Single Vacancy

Home Careers


Quisque consectetur lacinia felis, posumassa fermentum metus nibh, tincidunt luctus hendrerit, iaculis suspendisse potent. Praesent sit amet rhoncus nisi. Etiam tristique velit ut felis ultrices pulvinar. Ut elit leo, condimentum consectetur tincidunt malesuada lorem. Phasellus imperdiet risus eget augue fermentum pharetra magna lacus, viverra eu laoreet sed, aliquet orci. Mauris a varius dui.

Nullam quis aliquet velit. Mauris elit lacus, pretium pharetra bibendum sit amet, dapibus tincidunt nunc. Donec est metus, blandit id elementum euismod, facilisis quis dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc in risus in turpis consectetur tincidunt at quis ipsum. Duis pharetra volutpat vulputate. Mauris fringilla convallis dolor et aliquet. Nullam vitae sem enim, a sodales velit. Nulla eu magna vel metus rutrum ullamcorper. Phasellus sit amet semper neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia.

The Practice

Praesent sit amet rhoncus nisi. Etiam tristique velit ut felis ultrices pulvinar, condimentum nec consectetur non, tincidunt malesuada lorem. Phasellus imperdiet risus eget augue fermentum pharetra. Curabitur magna lacus, viverra eu laoreet sed, aliquet et orci. Mauris a varius dui. Nullam quis aliquet velit. Mauris elit lacus, pretium pharetra bibendum sit amet, dapibus tincidunt nunc. Donec est metus, blandit id elementum euismod, facilisis quis dolor.

The Work

Key responsibilities include:

  • Quisque consectetur lacinia fermentum natoque
  • tincidunt luctus hendrerit tincidunt
  • Suspendisse potent velit
  • Praesent sit amet rhoncus nisi
  • Etiam tristique velit ut felis ultrices pulvinar
  • Ut elit leo, condimentum consectetur
  • Phasellus imperdiet risus eget augue fermentum
  • Mauris a varius dui.

Salary and Benefits

Praesent sit amet rhoncus nisi. Etiam tristique velit ut felis ultrices pulvinar, condimentum nec consectetur non, tincidunt malesuada lorem. Phasellus imperdiet risus eget augue fermentum pharetra. Curabitur magna lacus, viverra eu laoreet sed, aliquet et orci. Mauris a varius dui. Nullam quis aliquet velit. Mauris elit lacus, pretium pharetra bibendum sit amet, dapibus tincidunt nunc. Donec est metus, blandit id elementum euismod, facilisis quis dolor.

For further details, please see the attached job description.

Additional Documents
Job Description

Няма да се поколебая да препоръчам АД "Стойчев и Стойчева". Работя с тях от пет години и всяко мое дело беше разрешено бързо и успешно. Отлични съвети и липса на изненади - всичко, което мога да искам от бизнес партньор. Точно това непрекъснато получавах от АД "Стойчев и Стойчева".
Владислав Николов
АД "Стойчев и Стойчева" е модерното адвокатско дружество, където добрите практики и технологиите се срещат. Изключително съм доволен от техните услуги в сферата на данъчното и трудовото право и ги препоръчвам на всички.
Георги Иванов
Професионализъм, честност и 100% лично отношение към всеки правен въпрос.
Георги Николов
Отлично качество на услугите и безусловен професионализъм - всеки може да очаква това от АД "Стойчев и Стойчева".
Иван Димитров
Работя с тях от повече от пет години и всяко мое съдебно дело беше разрешено бързо и с успех.
Владислав Николов
АД "Стойчев и Стойчева" е модерната кантора, където добрите практики и технологиите се срещат.
Георги Иванов
Stoychev & Stoycheva is the modern law firm where best practices and new trends meet.
George Ivanov
I have been working with them for more than five years and each of my cases was resolved swiftly and with a positive outcome.
Vladislav Nikolov
Excellent quality of services and unconditional professionalism - this is what everyone should expect from Stoychev & Stoycheva Law Firm.
Ivan Dimitrov
Professionalism, honesty and 100% personal attitude toward each and every legal issue.
George Nikolov
Stoychev & Stoycheva is the modern law firm where best practices and new trends meet. I am really happy by their services in the area of tax and employment law and recommend them to everyone.
George Ivanov
Law is nothing other than a certain ordinance of reason for the common good, promulgated by the person who has the care of the community.
Thomas Aquinas
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Winston Churchill
The law established by the Creator, which has existed from the beginning, extends over the whole globe, is everywhere and at all times binding upon mankind.
Rufus King
Law is nothing other than a certain ordinance of reason for the common good, promulgated by the person who has the care of the community.
Mark Thompson
I would not hesitate to recommend Stoychev & Stoycheva Law Firm. I have been working with them for more than five years and each of my cases was resolved swiftly and with a positive outcome. Excellent advice and no surprises is what you want from a business partner, and that is exactly what Stoychev & Stoycheva Law Firm has delivered time and again.
Vladislav Nikolov Software developer