EU & Antitrust

Home EU & Antitrust

We have extensive experience in all facets of European law including antitrust law, providing preventative advice and counseling clients involved in investigations by national and European competition protection authorities. The EU and Antitrust practice also covers a broad range of sector-specific engagements, as well as international trade-related matters, including trade defense instruments.

We are advising and representing clients before bodies and courts in all manner of EU law-related matters, in particular, antitrust, state aid, mergers, structural funds, internal market, public procurement, international trade and European tax law.

Our areas of work include

  • Representation before Bulgarian and EU bodies and courts
  • Control of concentrations
  • Cartels and anti-competitive agreements
  • Abuse of dominant position
  • Unfair competition
  • International trade
  • Public intervention in the economy and State aid control