Category: News

Deposit-Return System – Interview for Euronews Bulgaria

Stoychev & Stoycheva Law Firm’s team participated in an interview for Euronews Bulgaria. During the interview the advantages of the Deposit-Return System were discussed as well as the specific challenges before the implementation of the system in Bulgaria. For more information you can watch the full interview by clicking here. For further information on this

Increased Consumers’ Protection

On March 11, 2022, the Law on Amendments to the Consumer Protection Act (“CPA”) was promulgated in the State Gazette. The amendments provide for better implementation and modernization of consumer protection rules in the Union. In order to achieve this goal, the legislator expands the scope of possible infringements that traders could commit in connection

Law on Covered Bonds – New Opportunities for Investors

On March 29, 2022, the Covered Bonds Act was promulgated. The main objectives of the Covered Bond Act are to create favorable conditions for covered bond markets, expand the circle of investors and attract those from third countries, protect them, stimulate investment and facilitate the use of covered bonds by credit institutions. With this issue,

The “Green Certificate” and the new anti-COVID measures

On 22 and 25 October 2020, the Minister of Health’s anti-COVID measures became in full effect. The Firm reviewed the newly introduced “green certificate” and the affected business domains in its Legal Bulletin here: For any questions please feel free to contact our team dedicated on the topic.


Stoychev & Stoycheva is the modern law firm where best practices and new trends meet. I am really happy by their services in the area of tax and employment law and recommend them to everyone.
George Ivanov
Няма да се поколебая да препоръчам АД "Стойчев и Стойчева". Работя с тях от пет години и всяко мое дело беше разрешено бързо и успешно. Отлични съвети и липса на изненади - всичко, което мога да искам от бизнес партньор. Точно това непрекъснато получавах от АД "Стойчев и Стойчева".
Владислав Николов
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Winston Churchill