Tag Archive: COVID

The “Green Certificate” and the new anti-COVID measures

On 22 and 25 October 2020, the Minister of Health’s anti-COVID measures became in full effect. The Firm reviewed the newly introduced “green certificate” and the affected business domains in its Legal Bulletin here: https://bit.ly/3Eh8RFc. For any questions please feel free to contact our team dedicated on the topic.


Professionalism, honesty and 100% personal attitude toward each and every legal issue.
George Nikolov
The law established by the Creator, which has existed from the beginning, extends over the whole globe, is everywhere and at all times binding upon mankind.
Rufus King
Няма да се поколебая да препоръчам АД "Стойчев и Стойчева". Работя с тях от пет години и всяко мое дело беше разрешено бързо и успешно. Отлични съвети и липса на изненади - всичко, което мога да искам от бизнес партньор. Точно това непрекъснато получавах от АД "Стойчев и Стойчева".
Владислав Николов