Daily Archives: 10/07/2020

Home Office – Challenges and Approaches to Meeting Them

Working from home was becoming increasingly popular and widespread even before COVID-19. Now, many employers strive to apply it to their work organisation. But what are the challenges and how to handle them properly? Stoychev & Stoycheva Law Firm for Bloomberg TV Bulgaria discussed this excellent topic. You can find the complete interview by following


Professionalism, honesty and 100% personal attitude toward each and every legal issue.
George Nikolov
I would not hesitate to recommend Stoychev & Stoycheva Law Firm. I have been working with them for more than five years and each of my cases was resolved swiftly and with a positive outcome. Excellent advice and no surprises is what you want from a business partner, and that is exactly what Stoychev & Stoycheva Law Firm has delivered time and again.
Vladislav Nikolov Software developer
Професионализъм, честност и 100% лично отношение към всеки правен въпрос.
Георги Николов