Home Office – Challenges and Approaches to Meeting Them
Working from home was becoming increasingly popular and widespread even before COVID-19. Now, many employers strive to apply it to their work organisation. But what are the challenges and how to handle them properly? Stoychev & Stoycheva Law Firm for Bloomberg TV Bulgaria discussed this excellent topic.
You can find the complete interview by following this link (Bulgarian language) – https://www.bloombergtv.bg/a/17-v-razvitie/78458-distantsionnata-rabota-e-predizvikatelstvo-za-zakonodatelnata-uredba?fbclid=IwAR0jDMNRp7w5xFZWXXUVeLh9QvVz32pyaFhbpan88EhaBTQr8Ef6dFzDC4E