New anti-COVID-19 Measures updated as at 13 November 2020

On 13 November 2020, the Minister of Health approved a new order introducing new anti-epidemiological measures and amending currently applicable ones against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Firm’s Legal Bulletin on the topic here: 

The measures adopted by the Minister affect the education system as well, including the conduct of classes and other group classes, and provide for a number of new restrictions of a general nature affecting a large part of society.

The measures provided for in the order are in force as of 14.11.2020 to 30.11.2020. In the Firm’s legal bulleting are presented some of the most important amendments and measures adopted by Order № RD-01-655/13.11.2020, as well as measures already in force and current against the spread of COVID – 19, introduced by previous orders. of the Minister of Health.